Working with Charts

Charts provide a detailed view of your data in LinePulse, allowing you to easily detect anomalies and trends. You have the ability to adjust the displayed range, save a snapshot of the chart as a bitmap image and more.

Adjusting how Charts Display Data

To zoom in on a chart

Click (Zoom).

The cursor changes to a '+'.

Click and drag the portion of the chart you wish to expand.

LinePulse redraws the chart to reflect your selection.

Click (Zoom Reset) to restore the default zoom.

To adjust a chart's x-axis

Click and drag the x-axis handles to the desired position.

LinePulse redraws the chart to reflect your selection.

Click and drag the blue bar to travel along the x-axis.

Click (Restore) to restore the default view.

To stack or unstack a bar chart

Click .

LinePulse redraws the chart to reflect your selection.

Saving a Chart Snapshot

To download a chart as a bitmap image

Click (Save as Image).

LinePulse saves a snapshot of the chart's current state as a .PNG file in your web browser's default download folder.

Collapsing and Expanding Tables/Charts

You can collapse or expand certain tables or charts by clicking their header. Look for the or symbols to see where this feature is available.

Last modified: July 05, 2024